With a slightly weakened job market hindered by ongoing inflation and layoffs, some job-seekers are struggling to find gainful employment.
One such job hunter, Raquel (@quequeraquel), shared in a TikTok video that she received a verbal offer for a job, only to have the role eliminated in a corporate restructure before she received the official offer.
“I got a verbal offer from a company last week,” she says in the video. “I’m supposed to get the email offer on Monday. Then the recruiter told me, like, hey, I don’t know what the delay is, the leadership team hasn’t approved it yet, let me see what’s the holdup. Then I learn that they’re restructuring. And then I just learned that the role that I just went through four rounds of interviews, that I had a verbal offer for, is no longer taken into account for the restructuring.”
Raquel explains that she was laid off in the summer of 2022 and that the job she found after was not something she could continue doing.
@quequeraquel exhuasted and stressed and worried
♬ original sound – Raquel
“I joined the team and it ended up being a super toxic team, like 12 to 13-hour workday expectations,” she says of her prior job. “We didn’t even get a New Year’s observed holiday off, like shit was wack, so I left that like immediately within two or two-and-a-half months. Then I’d been on the job hunt, and I’ve just been in survival mode for so long. I don’t want to move back home because it’s not a super healthy or conducive place for me to be in, and I’m stressed and I’m fucked and I’m just worried.”
The Daily Dot has reached out to Raquel via email regarding the video.
Some viewers shared in the comments section that they were similarly struggling with the current job market.
“Is it me, or is the interview process like absolutely horrible for most of us?” one commenter wrote. “You’re competent, skilled, want to work, and yet really struggle.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry girl,” another offered. “I’ve been laid off twice in the last 1.5 yrs, I can understand the frustration. Manifesting that things get better for you.”
“I’m right there with you,” a third added. “Laid off in June. Took a job in November and it was awful so now I’ve been unemployed for two months.”