Internet Culture

The deeper meaning of Biden and Obama’s adorable friendship bracelets

Cue the ‘Golden Girls’ theme song.

Photo of Nayomi Reghay

Nayomi Reghay

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Photo via The White House/Flickr Joe Biden/Twitter | Remix by Jason Reed

Barack Obama celebrated his 55th birthday on Thursday, and his BFF, Joe Biden, sent out a celebratory tweet that launched a thousand awwws.

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Oh man. It’s. Just. The. Best. It gave us all the feels.


And we mean all of them.

So where did this beautiful display of masculine affection come from?

A simple Google search is all you need to reveal that the bracelets originate from a June 2016 BuzzFeed video, in which Obama demonstrated five simple tasks that are harder than registering to vote.


But anyone who’s been to summer camp knows friendship bracelets always carry a deep and special meaning. Let’s take a closer look at the magic within.


The “Joe” bracelet features a slice of pie and a happy face. The pie is an obvious reference to Biden’s famous trip to Costco, where he was “looking for pies.”

And the happy face? On the surface it seems like a random charm, but if you do your homework, it’s clearly a wink to Obama’s 2012 victory speech, a key moment in the duo’s friendship: Obama called Biden “America’s happy warrior,” a reference to the famous Wordsworth poem.

The “Barack” bracelet features two charms: a blue flower and a blue star.


Let’s start with the star. It’s no secret that Obama is a political superstar, and he frequently wears blue ties. But we think the charm carries deeper significance. Could it be the star is a coded reference to the commander-in-chief’s love for all things Star Wars? Possibly, even, a reference to this gloriously happy moment he shared with Michelle earlier this year?

Yes. It must be.

And the blue flower is a clear reference to Obama’s home state of Hawaii. A July New York Times feature revealed that Obama once dreamed of “moving to Hawaii to open a T-shirt shack that sold only one size (medium) and one color (white). [The] dream was that [he] would no longer have to make decisions.”


Now that Obama’s term is coming to a close, might the dream become a reality?

If so, Barry, we’ve got a suggestion. We know you want to live a simple life, but please include a rack of friendship bracelets. We have a feeling customers will scoop them up like fresh pieces of pie.

The Daily Dot