Internet Culture

Donald Trump couldn’t remember his ex-girlfriend’s name

Shade or typo?

Photo of Gabe Bergado

Gabe Bergado

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Saturday morning, the New York Times published a piece titled “”Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved With Women in Private.” It started with the story of Rowanne Brewer Lane, one of Trump‘s ex-girlfriends, and how she met the now presidential candidate when she was a 26-year-old model. According to the Times, Trump had her change into a swimsuit during that first encounter and called her a “stunning Trump girl.”

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Essentially, the story paints Trump as the creepy curmudgeon we all know a bit too well, that image supplemented with the additional details of various ex-boos’ experiences with the “businessman.” 

But Lane wasn’t pleased with her portrayal. Concerned with how she came off in the story, the former model popped by your racist uncle’s favorite TV network, Fox News, to say that she was misquoted by the Times.


Now, there’s a lot to unpack here. Did the Times really dupe Lane? Or did she really say all that and only regret it once the piece came out? All this chatter definitely raises some eyebrows.

While we can’t be sure what exactly went down between the newspaper and Lane, what we’re sure about is that Trump decided to get involved. It looks like he doesn’t remember Rowanne Lane as much as she might remember him, since he called her “Rosanne.” 

Donald Trump/Twitter

Trump has since deleted the tweet, leaving us to wonder what went down. With Trump’s eccentricities, it’s possible that he really did forget his ex-girlfriend’s name, just a blip in his dating history. It’s also completely possible that he was being P-E-T-T-Y. We wouldn’t put it past this man to intentionally call Lane the wrong name to try to belittle her.


Either way, doesn’t it confirm that Trump is a jackass to women? 

The Daily Dot