
TikTok video allegedly shows officer detaining nursing student for attempting to save man’s life

‘This officer showed blatant disregard and neglect for a human life.’

Photo of Mikael Thalen

Mikael Thalen

A police officer

A video uploaded to TikTok appears to show a police officer in Chicago detaining a nursing student for attempting to save a man’s life.

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The footage, which has spread widely across social media, reportedly took place at the scene of a motorcycle accident where at least one person died.

In comments on the video, the TikTok user alleged that she was detained for “resisting” while she and a doctor attempted to render aid to a severely-injured man.


“This cop didn’t give a damn,” she wrote. “He was rude from the second he encountered us and lied to try and push his agenda of why I was ‘detained’ for resisting.”

The TikTok user, who appears to have now deleted the video, went on to accuse the officer of showing “blatant disregard and neglect for human life.”

Some users argued in defense of the officer, noting that paramedics can not enter a scene until it has been cleared.

“In order for EMTs to come into the scene, the area needs to be cleared from unnecessary people,” one user argued.


But others argued that valuable time had been wasted by removing the woman and the doctor.

The TikTok user says the injured man stopped breathing five minutes after she was ordered to leave his side.

After reaching the man, paramedics, according to the TikTok user, attempted to revive him with CPR but were unsuccessful.

Although the video suggests that the woman may have been written a citation, it remains unclear what ultimately happened.


The Daily Dot reached out to the TikTok user but did not receive a reply by press time.

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