The animated short of your nightmares has finally arrived.
Appropriately titled UNSATISFYING, this Vimeo animation takes the audience through the most unfulfilling of daily situations, from watching a soda get trapped in the vending machine, to seeing a spoon helplessly sink to the bottom of some fresh alphabet soup. Created by French motion design studio Parallel Studio over this past summer, the animation is aesthetically pleasing yet painful to watch at the same time.
Watch the horror below:
“When we were looking for ideas, someone came up with the satisfying videos which are all over YouTube… we decided to simply do the opposite,” the Parallel team told the Daily Dot via Facebook. “We tried to surprise people by creating nice and peaceful environments (soft colors, calm sound design) to accentuate the frustrating ending.”
The studio is even hosting an animation challenge for other people to submit their own devastatingly frustrating animations.
“We can’t wait to discover what pisses people off in their every day life, even if it’s really weird or twisted,” the Parallel team said.
Though the gas station situation seems to bother a few Parallel folks the most, it’s the DVD screensaver that really hits a nerve.
“We’re still looking for the genius who invented this,” the Parallel team said.
This story’s headline has been updated.