
YouTube right now! Girl, look at his shlomo!

He dances. He girates. He sings. He’s one sexy Jewish man. And he knows it. 

Photo of Fruzsina Eördögh

Fruzsina Eördögh

In YouTube Right Now, the Daily Dot looks at videos that catch our eyes, push our buttons, or move the dials—and that you’ve just got to watch. Right now.

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YouTube has proven (once again) Jewish men can dance and sing. But did you know they’re also sexy, and that they know it?

“Jewish and you know it” is the latest LMFAO “Sexy and You Know It” parody to grace the video-sharing site.

With lyrics like “Girl, look at my Shlomo: circumcised,” sung while what appears to be a Hasidic mohel swings a meat cleaver, the video has managed to offend and titillate more than 365,000 people in less than 72 hours.  


“Bacon, Bacon, Bacon, Bacon, Bacon? “ sings the Israeli singer, clad only in only Speedos and a bejeweled Star of David, worn on a thick gold chain rap-style.

Uploaded onto the YouTube account AgentKmedia on Nov. 13, “Jewish and you know it” is the second-most viewed video in Israel this week, and is already sparking a heated debate in the comments section. “Jewish and you know it” is also the channel’s most viewed video, with the next highest at just over 12,000 views.

The Daily Dot’s own founding editor, Owen Thomas, had this to say when shown the music video today:


“As a sexy Jewish man who knows it and who can dance but not sing, it kind of fills me with rage, doubt, uncertainty, joy, and self-loathing mixed with an equal measure of overweening self-regard.”

YouTube haters were less eloquent, and took to making comments that veered into anti-Semitic territory, making comments about Nazis, for instance.

“For all of those who couldn’t enjoy this great video because of their prejudices, I hope that someday you will be able to put away your fears and prejudices … self-humor is a great virtue and these Jews certainly have it!!”  writes hananbo127 to all the flummoxed and angry commenters.