
Hacker exposes George W. Bush’s amazing self-portraits

Six email accounts either belonging or related to the Bush family were hacked, revealing correspondance dated from 2009-2012. 

Photo of [email protected]

[email protected]

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After gaining access to the personal email accounts of Dorothy Bush, George W. Bush’s sister, and several friends close to the Bush family, a hacker apparently obtained Bush family photos, cell phone numbers, security codes, information about George H.W. Bush’s health, a post-election email from Fox New’s Brit Hume, and, most amazingly, pictures of George W. Bush’s in-progress paintings, which are just as awkward and simple as you’d hope. All told, six accounts were hacked, including emails for Barbara Bush’s brother, family friend Willard Hemingway, and CBS sportscaster Jim Nantz, another friend of the family.

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A large number of the stolen emails, which dated from 2009 to 2012, dealt with George H.W. Bush’s recent stay in the hospital. One email from Jeb Bush noted H.W.’s friendliness toward Bill Clinton, noting “how kind he was with President Clinton and he helped restore his sordid reputation. A very tough thing to do but with kindness, dad probably helped Bill Clinton than anything he himself has done.” He added, “Might be tough to say it that way in a eulogy with President 42 there.”

On December 26 of last year, George W. Bush emailed his siblings to say he was “thinking about eulogy” and to ask for advice: “since the feeling is that you all would rather me speak than bubba, please help.”

After the election in November, Brit Hume, sad faced Fox News political analyst, emailed Hemingway, writing, “Election outcome disappointing, but there are many silver linings.”


But the truly remarkable parts are the photos. The picture above is obviously excellent, but it’s nothing compared to George W. Bush’s attempts at painting, pictures of which he apparently emailed to his sister two months ago. The paintings, both self-portraits, are…well, just judge for yourself.


There are also pictures of the family with Ralph Lauren.


And Bubba himself.


But really, let’s just go back to those paintings. Here is the master, at work on a picture of a nearby church.

As for the hacker, Guccifier, he claims he’s not worried about the inevitable Secret Service investigation. “i have an old game with the fucking bastards inside, this is just another chapter in the game,” he told The Smoking Gun. He also said the “feds” started investigating him “a long time ago” and that he had hacked “hundreds of accounts.”

By Taylor Berman [The Smoking Gun]
