
Giggles the pig is the most worthy write-in candidate in this crazy mayoral election

Giggles the pig is shaking things up in Michigan.

Photo of Dylan Love

Dylan Love

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The mayoral race in Flint, Mich., sounds like something out of a David Lynch film.

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The three candidates for mayor in Michael Moore’s hometown are a convicted murderer, a convicted drunk driver, and a pig named Giggles. Adding to the surreal tension, the murderer has threatened to kill and eat the pig.

Due to a bureaucratic screw-up, every candidate in Flint’s mayoral race this year is a write-in candidate. Gadfly defense attorney Michael Ewing took advantage of this fact by writing in his one-year-old hog Giggles. Surely, Ewing thought, Flint would be better off with a pig than a convicted murderer or drunk driver.

“I am pretty forgiving, but it I am really strongly opposed to murder—and think electing a mayor who was convicted of murder sends a bad message about our city,” Ewing wrote on Giggles’ Facebook page. “Flint deserves better candidates than this. While reading about these people it occurred to me that Giggles would be a more dignified candidate—and I’m right.”

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Convicted murderer and city councilman Wantwaz Davis responded to the pig’s campaign, saying, “I honestly laughed at your remarks, however, I will be the next mayor of Flint, Michigan and will feast off of your pig at my victory party, you can get in for free, VIP on me.”

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Well, that’s not disturbing at all.

H/T Ryot | Photo via Giggles the Pig for Flint Mayor/Facebook