
Fastest tortoise in the world can hustle about a foot a second

The hare has nothing on this dude.

Photo of Gabe Bergado

Gabe Bergado

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Growing up, my tortoise Speedy would often break free from our backyard. He’d make it down the cul-de-sac until my mom chased after and scooped him up (or a kind neighbor who knew we had a tortoise with a knack for escaping did the same). But as quick a fellow as Speedy was, he has nothing on the Guinness World Record holder for World’s Fastest Tortoise, Bertie.

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Clocking in at an average speed of 0.92 feet per second, Bertie completed an 18-foot race course in 19.59 seconds. Just look at him move!


Bertie lives in Durham, England, at the Adventure Valley fun park. He likes to eat strawberries and has a girlfriend named Shelly (also a tortoise, if that wasn’t clear). Catch up with Bertie’s rise to fame and how he nailed the title as World’s Fastest Tortoise with this video from Guinness World Records:


OK, sure, Bertie is fast, but can he open doors? 

H/T Death and Taxes | Screenshot via Guinness World Record/YouTube