
The 10 most fashionable pinners on Pinterest

Looking for some pinspiration? These fashion experts have you covered. 

Photo of Lisa Granshaw

Lisa Granshaw

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Earlier this week, J. Crew debuted its fall catalog exclusively on Pinterest. It’s yet another example of how browsing the virtual pinboard site has become the new window-shopping, allowing potential customers to envision the perfect outfit for every conceivable occasion.

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As such, Pinterest’s power users have become influential tastemakers in their own right, garnering thousands, or even millions, of followers through their curation of inspiring fashion boards. Each one has a distinct style, and some have even turned the hobby into a career.

Here are 10 of the site’s top fashion users on Pinterest every fashionista should be following, and their fashion tips.

1) Christine Martinez (chrisem)


Photo via Christine Martinez

Martinez lives the life you dream about on Pinterest. She was the first user to land a high-profile partnership with a brand, live-pinning a fashion shoot for Calypso St. Barth in 2012. As the creative director of Luvocracy, she’s gained over 5 million followers with her awe-inspiring boards about fashion, design, and her dog, Miles. Martinez enjoys following fashion boards Everyday Stylish by Dree Harper, Personal Style by Katie Armour, and Personal Style by Eat.Sleep.Wear.

Must-follow boards: Looks I LoveDesirable Dresses

Pinterest fashion tip: “Pinterest is an amazing resource if you’re in a personal style rut or have no clue what your personal style is. It’s the greatest source of visual feedback available, so if you’re ready to change up your style but feel a bit lost, just start pinning. Eventually you’ll see that you do, in fact, have a style you gravitate toward! Once you’ve figured it out, break the outfit inspiration down to its basics, go shopping, and create the closet of your dreams.”


2) Maria Hansen Troøyen (lostinamind)

Photo via Maria Hansen Troøyen

This Norwegian pinner is proof that numbers aren’t everything. She may not have millions of followers like some of our other fashion pinners, but this teacher, blogger, and freelance fashion consultant is full of stylish inspiration. Her classy and unusual sense of style is represented well in this line from her profile: “Lipstick is my poison, the waist my favourite body part, and I prefer true style over copied trends.”


Each of her boards share a unique sense of beauty from full outfits to small items, and her collection of vintage looks are especially intoxicating.

Must-follow boards: Vintage styleFashion inspiration

Pinterest fashion tip: “When you find a pin you like, don’t forget that you can click through to its source. I’ve found so many lovely blogs and articles this way!”

3) Jennifer Chong (jchongdesign)


Photo via JChong Studio

This California-based photographer and designer pins and blogs about fashion, food, and travel. She covers everything from shoes to scarfs on her fashion boards, giving her over 2 million followers a wide range of looks to admire from elegant to quirky. Chong’s three favorite fellow fashion pinners to follow are Shop Sweet ThingsSamantha Hutch, and Canary Grey.

Must-follow boards: Style . ClothesStyle . Accessories

Fashion tip: “It’s okay to spend a little bit of money on the timeless pieces!”


4) Joanna Goddard (joannagoddard)

Photo via A Cup of Jo

The founder of popular style blog A Cup of Jo lets that same fashion tastemaker spirit shine through her pins. Goddard, a mother of two, shares content from her blog and beyond on her boards. She shares chic pics that will help you keep up with current styles as well as get ideas for how to tweak them to make them your own.

Must-follow board: Fashion


Fashion tip: “Find your perfect uniform and go with that. For me, it’s a button-down shirt, an oversized watch, faded jeans and white Converse. It takes all the pressure off choosing outfits everyday!”

5) Aaron De Simone (luxe)

Photo via Aaron De Simone

With over 2 million followers, the lone male of this group is the design lead at Brit + Co. and curator of I Heart Luxe. His boards will inspire you to try looks you may not have considered before, especially for men. He told the Daily Dot that two of his favorite fashion boards to follow on the site are Style by Pennyweight and Wear it by Design Crush.


Must-follow boards: style aspirationsfashionmen’s style

Pinterest fashion tip: “Pinterest is a great way to refine your aesthetic. Don’t be afraid to create boards that aren’t necessarily something you would wear but something you’d love to wear. Be adventurous. Pin things you love, as well as things that show your inner-fashionista to the world.”

6) Erin Loechner (erinloechner)

Photo via


The founder of DesignforMankind and DesignforMiniKind knows how to inspire your inner stylist. Her boards will make you think about every aspect of your fashion from the smallest accessory to how a combination of colors or patterns can make an outfit pop.

Must-follow boards: It’s In The DetailsColor of the Week

Pinterest fashion tip: “Search through your personal Pinterest feed to find out what inspires you—it’s amazing how many themes emerge from what you’re repinning, whether it be color or pattern or fit. Our subconscious is a great style dictator!”

7) Katie Rodgers (paperfashion)


Photo via

Combining a unique love of paper design and fashion, the pins of this fashion illustrator will have you thinking outside the box to craft your daily style. Rodgers, the creator of Paperfashion, told the Daily Dot she likes to follow fellow fashionistas on Pinterest Katie Armour, Kristin Ess, and Anathalia Santos.

Must-follow board: Fashion Magic

Pinterest fashion tip: “Be well curated; pin things that truly speak to your unique style! Find a style you love, and recreate it at any price point with a bit of creativity!”


8) Melanie Dudek (melaniexeinalem)

Photo via Melanie Dudek

Free yourself from fashion constraints with the bohemian pins of Dudek, a freelance digital marketer and blogger. Dudek said she has a particular love of fall fashion because “you can create so many versatile looks with fall pieces.”

Must-follow boards: la vie bohemepretty dresses and skirtsfall fashion


Pinterest fashion tip: “Before going shopping, I’ll sometimes scroll through my fashion boards. I have a handful of boards dedicated to my favourite style icons. It makes it easier when you’re shopping if you pick up an item and think, ‘Would so-and-so wear this?’ If not, I put the item down. It keeps my impulse buying under control.”

9) Alexandra Evjen (alexandraevjen)

Photo via Alexandra Evjen

A fashion stylist for AVE Styles, Evjen’s boards will help you fill the gap in your personal style guide. She pins about areas of fashion that you don’t see too often on Pinterest, including men’s fashion and tomboy looks. Two of her favorite fashion boards to follow are Fashion by Kirsten Grove and STYLE by Lianna.


Must-follow boards: TOMBOYMenswearDesert Style

Pinterest fashion tip: “Go back through your pins and search for themes. You might be surprised that you’re more of a tomboy than you thought or that you really do like to wear color and not just black.”

10) Dree Harper (dreeharper)

Photo via Dree Harper


The best word to describe Harper’s boards is beautiful. A personal shopper, mother, and contributor to Refinery29, her colorful, creative fashions will make you think differently about your everyday style. She also has an amazing collection of vintage fashion pins that are some of the best on Pinterest. Harper told the Daily Dot she satiates her inner gypsy by following Textiles by Joanna Williams.

Must-follow boards: {Vintage Rules}{Everyday Stylish}

Pinterest fashion tip: “Pinterest can be used in so many different ways for so many different reasons but one thing is for certain. It’s the motherlode for inspiration! Get inspired!