
Twitter shoves ‘300 feminist sandwiches’ in the face of the Internet’s worst boyfriend

Someone open this sandwich shop already.

Photo of Audra Schroeder

Audra Schroeder

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Earlier today, Twitter was atwitter about New York Post Page Six reporter Stephanie Smith and her 300 Sandwiches project. The gist: One day last year, her boyfriend, a cook, asked her to make him a sandwich. She did, and he responded, “You’re, like, 300 sandwiches away from an engagement ring.” And so she started making sandwiches every day. (And they look really good.)

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Of course this raised the blood pressure of many women and men. Some thought she was crazy to enter into this bread-based marriage bargain; others thought she might have become self-aware in the last year and is in the midst of slowly poisoning her boyfriend over the course of 300 sandwiches. Still, Smith said she’s doing it for herself, and that once she’s done, she’ll have “an arsenal of meals I can use for dinner, parties, picnics, breakfast and desserts.”

As often happens with these sorts of stories, an alternate hashtag was created to express how people felt about the underlying misogyny of this project. And #300feministsandwiches has come up with some legitimately great sandwich names. Someone’s even got an Erica Jong-themed food truck name.

Moons over Misogyny #300feministsandwiches

— Jaime-Paul Falcon (@JaimesonPaul) September 25, 2013


Betty FriedEgg and Bacon.#300feministsandwiches

— NorthernMNer (@NorthernMNer) September 25, 2013

Pussy-strami on Riot Bread #300feministsandwiches

— hannah bardolph (@hannahbardolph) September 25, 2013

Thelma & Blue Cheese #300FeministSandwiches

— Chris Le#ROAR (@thechrisleroux) September 25, 2013

Equal Pay-strami on Rye #300feministsandwiches

— Jessica Daniels (@chicksafire) September 25, 2013


“Suffrag-egg and cheese” – courtesy of @jonathancoulton #300feministsandwiches

— not eleanor kagan (@eleanorkagan) September 25, 2013

The SCUM Manwichfesto #300feministsandwiches

— Alex P. Skeetin’ (@JawsForJesus) September 25, 2013

#300feministsandwiches The Pull Your Own Damn Pork Sandwich

— Яob (@robx_d) September 25, 2013

Female chauvinist pigs in blankets #300feministsandwiches almost

— Charlotte Cooper (@CTrouper) September 25, 2013


Susan Bahn mi ller #300feministsandwiches

— Maria (@mcmoots) September 25, 2013

Photo via 300sandwiches