
Gun rights activist responds to Cocks Not Glocks protest with violent video

The maker of the video says anyone offended by the short film is ‘detached from reality.’

Photo of Nia Wesley

Nia Wesley

Remember the group of students passing out dildos on the University of Texas campus last week? The young women are now back in the spotlight after an opposition video depicting one of their deaths is making the rounds on social media.

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“I’m afraid to leave my house without a hat and sunglasses on,” UT Sophomore and Cocks Not Glocks organizer Ana Lopez told the Daily Dot. She’s the young woman who many are saying the actress in the video purposely resembles.

Dallas-based IT consultant and guns rights activist Brett Sanders is behind the film. He told the Daily Dot that the purpose of the short film is to“illustrate, in probably the most graphic way possible, the consequences of gun-free zones.”

Sanders says he could have presented his rebuttal to the Cocks Not Glocks campaign differently, but felt that old talking points weren’t enough to communicate his message anymore.


“It doesn’t hold the same gravity as actually showing a break in and a violent armed robber take your life,” Sanders told the Daily Dot.

His serious tone didn’t parallel the parody-like nature of the video depicting a young woman shown coming home from school to watch the news coverage of the Cocks Not Glocks campaign. She spends a few minutes on the phone excited about going viral before the doorbell rings. Her fatal destiny is brought to pass by a black male wearing a communist T-shirt. She holds up her dildo in self-defense before getting shot in the forehead.

Sanders released the video on Twitter Thursday morning.


Lopez watched it after a friend sent it to her.

“I wanted to throw up… I felt targeted, disgusted, and embarrassed” Lopez told the Daily Dot.

Lopez said her mom cried after watching the video while at work. She decided to file a complaint against Sanders and contacted campus police and student services for support.


Sanders says no one in the short film was meant to resemble any specific person or threaten members of Cocks Not Glocks. He says anyone who feels threatened by the implementation of Campus Carry is “detached from reality.”

“The only people they should feel threatened by is themselves because they are actively working to disarm not only themselves, but everyone around them to become a gun-free zone,”

Cocks Not Glocks formally denounced the video on their Facebook page.


Sanders wants the video to highlight the fact that not having a gun makes someone essentially defenseless. Critics felt the video was too violent, while others made light of the short film.



As for Lopez, she says it’s because of people like Sanders that Cocks Not Glocks doesn’t want guns in the classroom. And she has some choice words for Sanders following the release of his short film: “People like you don’t deserve to carry a lethal weapon.”